Sunday, October 22, 2006

On Fire

The Fire continues to Burn.

The Old Media, MSM, the New Media Blogs, Culture, Culture Wars and Hot Topics, Art and Science.

Just continue on from the old thread.

A Gusty Wind

A mighty wind blows things away, a gentle wind caresses.

Politics and Politicians, Elections, Campaigns and Finance Reform.

The Wars.

Friday, September 01, 2006


Photo APOD Thanks Richard

Musings on the meaning of life and how we go about it, the connections to the worlds around us.


Hubble Ultra Deep Field

Feel Free to Fly

SomeWhere Out There
If love can see us through,
Then, we'll be together,

Somewhere out there,
out where dreams,
come true.

In that big somewhere out there.


The old version of Blogger is slowly being ended. Some old blog accounts are being forced to switch despite the owners fear of and resistance to change. How Google determines when to target a group of blogs to switch I do not know.

This is a team blog. Several people can create posts and access the contol panel. That makes the switch different. The most important being "A team blog will only switch to the new version of Blogger when the original owner moves his or her account over."

The original owner is at least Marilynn M and may also be her grandaughter Karen and whoever Kevin Langdon is if they set it up that way at the start.

There may come a time soon when this blog is forced to switch and that could mess things up in unknown ways if it isn't done. We could get shut out.

This is just a heads up in advance. A whole new blog can be started as one option. I can attempt to eliminate the other team members. Or it may be time to say Aloha?

A Dear Bread Crusts letter for your Valentines Day. Thoughts.

Suggestions for Improvement

Photo CPOD

Ways to improve this blog, additions or modifications.

And Away we go!
You can copy and paste from the old to continue on the new threads if you like.

Peace On Earth

Happy Holidays Everyone

I haven't been commenting lately. I think I may have political fatigue and nothing seems to want to go from my brain through my fingers to the keyboard. I have been staying very current on reading the threads.

I think the PNW has taken all the Express out of our Pineapple because we haven't had any rain since the first storm of the season. Nice and cool here now which I am loving. I am considering closing my windows at night to stay warm.

I hope you all, your families and loved ones have a Joyous Holiday Season.

Be prepared for the New Year and a New Congress.

May Love and Reason enter the halls of power in Washington DC once again for the benefit of all who share this planet.

Thursday, August 31, 2006


Photo APOD

A mighty wind blows things away, a gentle wind caresses.

Politics and Politicians, Elections, Campaigns and Finance Reform.



Photo APOD

Raging hot and searing to gentle embers that warm and captivate.

The Old Media, MSM, the New Media Blogs, Culture, Culture Wars and Hot Topics, Art and Science.

The Big One - Religion


Photo APOD

A round ball in a round orbit, the cycle of life.

Energy and the Environment, Sustainable growing, transportation and building practices.


Photo APOD

Frozen in Time and slowly dripping Drip Drip

Public Policy, Education, Economics, Human Welfare Issues, Health Care

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Changing of the Guard

Zephyranthes rosea ready to bloom in the morning.

Debbie has asked Cheryl and I to take over the maintenance of the Bread Crusts blog. I said ok. Hello Cheryl are you in for this too? We do not want to slow Debbie from helping change the course of politics in North Carolina and eventually the nation. Whatever I can do to help. Marilynn and her grandaughter Karen no longer seem to be with us. Hopefully Marilynn will return one day.

Currently I am only allowed to post new threads. I would like access to the control panel then I can make other changes if needed or wanted. If anyone has a wish or suggestion for change feel free to say so. Many may be dependent on the control panel. My first thought was adding links on the side bar to some of the progressive and news sites for our convenience.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Purple Thread 2.0

This is the purple thread. Discussion: what topics do you want to keep in here?

Green Thread 2.0

This is the green thread. Discussion: what topics do you want to keep in here?

Blue Thread 2.0

This is the blue thread. Discussion: what topics do you want to keep in here?

Yellow Thread 2.0

This is the yellow thread. Discussion: what topics do you want to keep in here?

Sunday, June 18, 2006


New administration post.

Do y'all want an "off-topic" thread? Moot point?

Saturday, June 17, 2006


ADMIN: Messages to administrators.

Updated 26 March 2006
Previous threads are now closed; the topics remain open so that people may go back and view them. Please post to the new rainbow threads!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Purple Thread

This is the purple thread.

Green Thread

This is the green thread.

Yellow Thread

This is the yellow thread.

Blue Thread

This is the blue thread.