Saturday, June 17, 2006


ADMIN: Messages to administrators.

Updated 26 March 2006
Previous threads are now closed; the topics remain open so that people may go back and view them. Please post to the new rainbow threads!


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Anonymous said...

Marilynn, I support diversity of opinion and civil discussions. I'm sure you do also.
While I have your attension, I'd love to learn to post links like some of our tech savvy bloggers, but so far I haven't even been able to register. All I get is "sorry this user name is not available".(I've tried a dozen names) Any idea why?

Christopher C. NC said...

Hi Dan/Mi, I am no tech geek by any means. You should be able to make links just by following the html I showed Deb without having a blogger account.

To create an account and your own blog, click on the Blogger icon on the top left of the banner and follow the instructions for create your own blog.

If you have already registered under "Other" or "Anonymous" you can not use the same name for your own blog most likely. However a slight change, Capital letter, space or number may let you in essense still have the same name.

If you still have trouble log out of the site (top right I think on banner) under your current user name, come back in as a nobody and go straight to create an account and blog.

Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Marilynn & Christopher,
Thanks, I'll probably get some time tommorrow to work on it.

christin m p in massachusetts said...

Does anyone have the link to Kevin Langdon's web site? I didn't keep track of it, but I'd like to check it out again. Thanks.

deb said...

Dan: I had to use a legnthy "user name" but then it allowed me to put "deb" as the blogger name. These names are in a data base at "" and not just for this blog, so common user names are taken. Try something like DanandJulie or what your wife's name is and it will be easy to remember and still be a go. You then can pick the name you want to show up at the top of each post. Hope this helps.

Here is the link thing again, this is how you would set up a link to buy blue:

(A href="")buy blue(/A)

Now...substitute < and > both times I put ( and )

deb said...

Oh, and Dan, I don't think will allow a "/" in the user name or blogger name.

dan said...

Deb, Thanks, the first step was easy.

dan said...

I'll try to do a link now.
working for change

deb said...

Dan, just type the equation like I typed it only substituting the < for the ( and > for the). Put your address where I put the buy blue address, put the name you want to show up where I wrote "buy blue".

Type it all in the "leave your comment" box at the top of this page. When you click on login and publish it will automatically do it before it gets on the thread.

deb said...

PS... Good Luck. It confused me to pieces before I *got* it. Thanks again Christopher:-)

dan said...



dan said...

Deb and Christopher,
Thanks so much. You're both very patient.

deb said...

Cool Dan...congrats!!!

deb said...

It's 10:40 eastern time...don't know who's here, but two democrats are on C-Span standing up to the Bush administration and republican Congress. It's good.

Anonymous said...

christin: kevin's site is the group "slicedbread" on

Richard Yarnell said...

Don't know where to put this: it deserves to be seen though. I know there are already a lot of categories but Media didn't quite match.

Common Cause is trying to raise money to fund a series of 3 investigations relating to "Neutral Internet."

In view of what's happening in China as Yahoo, MSN, and even Google struggle to gain a foothold there, the notion that private money could control how access to the net, how services are delivered, is troubling to say the least.

I urge you to take a look at their site and read through the material there regarding corporate control of the internet.

deb said...

Suggestion to Marilynn and Karen since there are just a few of us posting regularly what do you think of posting everything on a couple of open threads. We could archive the rest and open a new thread whenever it gets to maybe 50 posts or so. This way we aren't clicking on the threads to see if there are any new posts.

What do you think? Does anyone else have an opinion on this?

dan said...

Marilynn And Karen,
I like Deb's idea of having just a couple threads.

dan said...

A couple threads might be:

SOAPBOX For general venting
IN THE NEWS Current news items

Any other ideas?

Richard Yarnell said...

Keep the threads:

I'd rather take time to check the ones that most interest me than lose the organization.

If a utility to flag new posts for each user is too complex or not available, I vote to leave things as they are.

It's not like email where we can post a subject line.


dan said...

We havn't heard much from Marilynn lately. My sources tell me she has run off with John A. and their long standing antagonism was just a ploy. (unconfirmed)

Anonymous said...

"We havn't heard much from Marilynn lately. My sources tell me she has run off with John A. and their long standing antagonism was just a ploy. (unconfirmed"

I heard SSB hired them.

deb said...

I heard they went hunting with the veep.

Marilynn be sure to wear that bright orange bullet proof jacket and pants, oh...and a good helmet with a strobe light on top. You'll look charming.

John a handsome guy like you would need to be in full camouflage;-)

dan said...

"We are putting in more kitchen cabinets and doing other work on our house."

Now that's a boring end to a hot rumor. My sources have been properly reprimanded.

Good luck with your projects.

deb said...

Marilynn's hubby must still be sanding;)

BTW Marilynn there's tons of things you can make from an internet's pretty fascinating.

deb said...

Dan, Which thread is the Noam Chomsky link on? Didn't have time to read it earlier and can't seem to find it now.

dan said...

The Chomsky speech is in "The World Today" thread...the link is "war on terror".

Chomsky's field is linguistics and I find reading his speeches tedious. But he does have a different take on world affairs that I think is worth considering.

Richard Yarnell said...

It looks like interest in the alternative voting site has petered out. Anyone know who we reach the person who set it up so we can get an idea about the results of the first round?

On a related subject: this list.

We are a small, albeit distinguished group that by and large preaches to the choir. There is, when you add it up, a lot of time invested.

I hope we don't neglect taking our views to a wider audience. There's an election coming up that's going to need a lot of time, energy and dedication.

dan said...

You make a good point. Perhaps Deb's idea of having only a couple threads would help. We could still do a little bantering with a lot less time involved.

dan said...

As Marilynn found out, when you don’t post for a few days, the rumors can be brutal. So I’m making a preemptive announcment meant to stop the gossip mongers in their tracks. I’ll be on vacation next week. My traveling companion will be my wife Patty and although our destination is “ Sin City”, no actual decadent behavior is anticipated.

Anonymous said...

I've found a web site that gives links for all Senators & Congressmen. It also has a Citizen Lobbying Guide.

I haven't gotten around to learning how to make links, but this is it.

This is a very interesting site. They are so conservative, they want to impeach Bush. Take a look at their "Right" links. For a good laugh/cry try "Accuracy in Media". it ain't.

deb said...

Dan, I am so jealous. I love the southwest. Are you going to the Grand Canyon? A few years ago I visited a slot canyon for the first time. Here's the one I visited, but I heard there are at least 100 others.Upper Antelope Slot Canyon For sure one of the most awesome places I've ever been.

PS If my husband and I were going on a trip I'd be expecting at least a bit of decadent behavior;)

Anonymous said...

The slot canyons are cool, maybe the next time we can afford a big vacation. So far, our favorite national park is Yellowstone. The landscape is like being on another planet, and the wildlife, including buffalo, is abundant.

Anonymous said...

Another trajedy of war is what it does to our soldiers. There's a lot of good kids that will be forever changed.

We've more than overstayed our welcome in Iraq. It's time to leave now.

deb said...

Cheryl, Thanks for the conservativeusa link. The fact that good Americans (who bought into the current administrations rhetoric) are wising up gives me much hope for the future.

Hi Karen, Your post tells of some of the atrocities, but that you...some where between a woman and a girl...cares and is willing to learn about these injustices actually overwhelms me. During Viet Nam these images would have been shown on TV. Now it is up to individuals to search for this type of information. I pray that there are many more young people such as yourself that will educate themselves. Knowing the truth is the first step in correcting the problem. I'm sure that you are terribly busy with your last year in high school but wanted to let you know that your posts are always welcome:)

Christopher C. NC said...

Was there a link some where on this blog about the large amount of money this administration was spending on faux news reports, paying writers for opinion pieces, the Katrina Channel ect, essentially propaganda with our tax dollars and if so where is it?

Christopher C. NC said...

Never Mind. Found one.

deb said...

Marilynn: It's not just Abu Ghraib, it's all of our foreign prisons. There are many reasons for regime change in the US, torture is the formost reason in my opinion.

deb said... your kitchen finished?

Christopher C. NC said...

No e-mail from SSB for me yet. What did it say?

Richard Yarnell said...

I think there needs to be a reality check on the port "sale." That's not what's happening.

A British company, the name escapes me, has been operating terminals in NY, NJ, and so forth. For reasons possibly associated with the costs of the Iraq invasion, is selling its position in these ports to Dubai Ports World, partially owned (probably a majority position, by the UAE. The arrangement is very similar to the Koreans and others who operate terminals in other American ports.

Except for the somewhat checkered history of the UAE vis a vis the Taliban and its banking practices, the arrangement is not unusual.

However, al Queda and the Taliban have been active in the region. Given the record of the administration in so far as analysis of intelligence coming out of the middle East, its record of wise decisions, etc., it doesn't seem quite right that they would have kept the whole deal secret from everyone.

It's also fishy that they took a $100 Million payment toward reconstruction of New Orleans but did not retain some of the bedrock security arrangements: 1) records to be kept on US soil; 2) An American citizen in an upper-management position, stationed in the US, designated to accept service of warrants and other demands for records.

There were some other irregularities but the most alarming part of the deal is that, like any other terminal operator, DPW will be responsible for checking backgrounds of employees.

We are not selling our ports to anyone, just allowing the sale of leases, equipment, and contracts to the UAE by a British frim.

Christopher C. NC said...

Even if it wasn't seaport contracts being sold this whole deal smells fishy to me too. The questions you raise Richard are good. I also think this has something to do with the larger Oil/Mid East agenda of Bush and Co. I had not heard of this 100 million payment for New Orleans reconstruction. Who paid or will pay this money to whom?

deb said...

Hi all, My husband has been out of town working for 5 weeks and 3 days:( He is assisting launching a ship and it should have been done weeks ago, but there are problems with the z-drives (they enable a ship to parallel park) and there is no end in sight.

I will be traveling to hang out with him:) I'll have my laptop, but may not have much opportunity to post. I will return. Hope you all enjoy the weekend!!!

Anonymous said...

The commotion isn't really about the UAE. It just reminds everyone that our ports are not getting any safer, and the country is gradually getting sold out.

I don't know if this sale will make any difference or not, but the sorry funding for port security has surely made us less safe.

Anonymous said...

For some really troubling reading, check out,

It's about the CIA, torture research, and promoting the drug trade. It makes me ashamed to be an American.

dan said...

Hello everyone,
We're back from a terrific Las Vegas trip. I took a complete break from all news outlets so it'll take awhile to get caught up.

Have a great reunion with your husband. Maybe your presence will help launch a ship. (Thanks for the info on slot canyons...the photos do look awesome and we'll try to visit one on our next trip out west).

dan said...

The Washington Post opinion piece you referenced gave some perspective on the port sale relative to our overall fiscal policy.Port sale & national debt

dan said...

It's Sunday morning and I was just thinking about how different our violent world is from the one envisioned in the lyrics of a couple of my favorite songs. I'll post them on the "Arts" thread.

dan said...

Then we share a favorite song. It took some courage for John Lennon to write and perform "Imagine".

Richard Yarnell said...

The Cuban sanctions are a travesty.

As to port "ownership:"

It's not ownership. They own leases on terminal facilities. I suspect they bought them fair and square. We've (American companies) have been doing that sort of thing around the world for decades.

FWIW, since the union has the docks pretty well covered, I can't think of a better way to introduce China to western business than to introduce them to labor relations our way.

I don't know whether they still do, but at least one of the Japanese auto manufacturers used to control a terminal in Portland. It made sense. They had so much traffic coming in it was advantageous for them to schedule the facility on their terms. Now they assemble the cars in the US. That makes sense too.

dan said...

Of all the things this President has done to make our country less secure, the port deal is probably the least serious. I'm just overjoyed that he's finally taking some heat over something! He'll get no sympathy from me.

Judy...I checked out your local's set up pretty you post under Judy?

Marilynn...I know you've been busy with your home improvement projects but I'm glad you've still got enough energy to give W hell now and then.

dan said...

Sorry about your arm injury. I hope it's not too painful and that you heal fast.

You do make some good points about the port deal. Because of the public outcry, maybe our port security will finally get some attention.

deb said...

Hello to all! Z-drive on the ship still not working, but Jeff actually has had a few days off.

Cheryl, That story is an eye opener. My hope is that if we get dems in power in Congress we will investigate these types of programs and put an end to them. I certainly don't want my tax dollars paying for those things.

Dan, Did you win?

Judy, I'll check out the blog link.

Richard, I understand leasing ports to Japan and Great Britian, but think that it is probably taking jobs from Americans. Since money helping fund the 9/11 attacks came through Dubai I just don't trust that a select few of them could use their positions in the company to further the Al Queda agenda.

Marilynn, Good to hear from you!

Whenever I think of the ports deal I remember the pictures of Rumsfeld and Hussein shaking hands in 85. Our current leadership doesn't have a great track record of selecting the best people to be doing business with.

dan said...

Good to hear from you. I hope you and Jeff enjoy your reunion.

Did I win? Unlike Marilynn, I didn't "hurt my arm rolling out the dough". We gambled in moderation, had lots of fun and the losses were minor. It was a great escape.

Good luck with the z-drive problem.

dan said...

I hope you enjoy your Saturday trip to the casino...just don't make the same mistake this woman made:
A woman was in a casino for the first time. The spinning ball of the roulette wheel has always caught her attention. She decides to play at the roulette table and she says, "I have no idea what number to play."

A young, good-looking man nearby suggests she play her age. Smiling at the man, she puts her money on number 29. The wheel is spun, and 36 comes up. The smile drifts from the woman's face and she faints.

Richard Yarnell said...

[I'm putting this here because I don't see a more approrpriate one.]

A couple of weeks ago, the Clackamas Dems were addressed by a group trying to get signatures for a petition demanding the return of Oregon Guard members. Their resolution was filled with emotional statements, many of which could not be substantiated even when they pulled at the heart. Susan (my partner) and I managed to get the
resolution postponed while she worked on it. This is the result.

If anyone can make use of it in your state, by all means, do. She emphasized the role of the Governor, our state's legislation, and the value of Guard personnel in the organization of Oregon's response to natural disaster (we have forest fires).

I think it is a reasonable and responsible approach to many questionable policies: misuse of the Guard and reserves; an invasion masquerading as an (undeclared) war; misuse of "stop loss;" and the appropriation of much needed

I also believe it can serve as the basis for objecting to using the military in domestic law enforcement situations as new "Homeland Security" proposals that have been made by the administration.
Resolution Calling on Governor Kulongoski to Demand the return of Oregon National Guard Troops from Iraq and Afghanistan

Whereas the Governor of the State of Oregon is the Commander in Chief of the Oregon militia;

Whereas the Oregon National Guard was created(1) to protect Oregon's citizens from natural disasters and threats of violence, and to augment the armed forces of the United states only during a properly declared war(2);

Whereas the Congress of the United States has not declared war against either Afghanistan or Iraq;

Whereas members of the Oregon National Guard have been subjected to involuntary extension of their service contracts by a device intended for use during wartime
or extended domestic emergencies and, whereas their families, employers, and communities have been obliged share the hardship caused by application of "Stop Loss"(3);

Whereas such a large number of National Guard members, in their civilian careers serve as firefighters, police, EMT personnel, and prison guards that their Oregon
communities have been left ill-prepared to deal with natural disaster, civil disturbance, or terrorist attack; and

Whereas the Governor has a particular responsibility to the members of the Oregon National Guard, their families, their communities, and to all the citizens of the State to safeguard them and the States resources;

Now therefore, the [insert filing entity] calls on the Governor to demand the immediate return of all Oregon National Guard troops presently serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the immediate replacement of all equipment assigned to Oregon National Guard Units and shipped overseas for use during those invasions and occupations so that, in the future, the Oregon militia will be capable,
properly trained, and equipped to fulfill its primary mission at home, and so the people of Oregon can, in good conscience, encourage its sons and daughters to join the Oregon militia confident it will be left to fulfill its crucial domestic role.

(1) ORS 396.305 establishes the Oregon Military Department. ORS Chapters 396, 398, and 399 contain the Oregon National Guard authorities and duties.

(2)Title 10 U.S.C. 12301(a) provides that, in time of war or national emergency declared by the Congress, the entire membership of all reserve components or any lesser number can be called to active duty for the duration of the war or national emergency plus 6 months.

The seven reserve components are the Army Reserve, Army National Guard, Air Force Reserve, Air National Guard, Naval Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, and Coast Guard Reserve. (

(3)"Stop Loss" is a program that allows the service to temporarily halt all separations and retirement during times of war, deployments, or National Emergency.

dan said...

Richard & Susan,
Congratulations, you've created a wonderful document, brilliant in its simplicity. Are the local Democrats going to use it in the form of a petition? It does seem like it would be very adaptable to other states. Good work!

Richard Yarnell said...

We suspect they will. The sitting Gov is being challenged by people in his own party (Dems) so he will have to respond. It will be interesting to see how the law applies. If he gets behind it, he might get re-elected.


Richard Yarnell said...

Actually, this tagging business could be important. I sent the following message to SSB (

There are many "ideas," I use the term loosely, that did not come close to meeting the requirements of the "contest." A couple of tags to indicate this would be useful: "opinion" (of the author), "statement of faith," "irrelevant," "ineligible,"
"disqualified," or "not qualified."

If you can think of others and if you agree, send them your own suggestions. Feel free to include any of the above.

Richard Yarnell said...

I may have, in a pique of disgust, shot myself in the foot. When the "finalists" were announced and so many ideas failed to meet the contest criteria, I withdrew permission for SSB to use my entries. They said OK and removed them from the index, although I could still find them. Now they're gone altogether.

Needless to say, the BEST ideas are no longer available to tag.


Christopher C. NC said...

Dry as a bone in Kihei on the island of Maui. It was Oahu and Kauai that got all the rain and the Kaupo/Hana section of Maui. Kihei has been deficient in our normal winter rains and this last system just lingered for days but never really made it to Maui.

Richard I wouldn't really worry to much about your ideas being removed from the SSB site, I doubt that it will generate much traffic. I got the "tag" e-mail and checked out their new blog and the first few comments were lambasting them for their pathetic sham of a contest. If you are having squab dinners with politicians you do not need SEIU to act as a lobbyist on your behalf. Next time you have one of them over maybe you could arm wrestle them for a vote for the good of the country.

deb said...

Richard, You can create a "tag" just by typing it in. I recommend not tagging ideas that should be passed over...they will not show up under any heading if they are not tagged. If only the best ideas are tagged they will be visible to anyone searching.

dan said...

Marilynn, Good stuff. I also found a follow up talking about the Bush Administration and the fourteen characteristics.

Modern Fascism

dan said...

You know who scares me more than this misguided and reckless Administration? It's the American voters. I can't figure out why they put this group in power TWICE and what choises they're going to make in the future.

dan said...

Marilynn, I hope you enjoyed your weekend trip to the casino. Is your arm mended yet (from your pizza dough ordeal)?

I guess voters get it right in the long run but they're so darn slow to tune in that it can be frustrating.

deb said...

Thanks for the facist links. A scary eye opener!

The true division in the country is between those of us who read and the ones who catch bits and pieces of news from TV.

Sometimes I encourage conversation in the local pub to get them talking about the state of the nation, and sit back and listen about their "take" on things. It is quite the eye opener. One prominent local explained to me how being gay and being a pediaphile were the same thing...I think Jerry Faldwell explained it to her.

I talked with another about the deficit (usually a safe subject) and he wasn't even aware that we are increasing the annual deficit.

Since we are all in this together one of my main concerns has been how to educate fellow citizens. I mean who am I as compared to the talking heads on the TV. The "heads" have to be right...right?

Any suggestions?

Richard Yarnell said...

There aren't informative "Voter Pamphlets" in all states? Wow!

Here in Oregon we have a Pamphlet, lately it's become a book, a couple of election cycles back it was in two volumes, that provides all the usual how to register and vote stuff in detail, but also provides candidate photos and bios on all candidates, initiative information, and detailed information on all issues on which a vote is required.

Ballot itiatives appear in full together with summaries (written by bipartisan commitees of the legislature if they are referred from either house, budget impact statements, and then as many 300 word statements pro/con as advocates wish to pay to publish.

Candidates have a place to provide a bio and brief statement of platform.

Bond issues are presented in full and almost always have accompanying pro/con statements.

I'm stunned: what good is an election without an informed electorate?

These pamphlets are mailed to every registered voter well in advance of every election and contain National, State, County, City, and other jurisdictions appropriate for that voter. I've never seen stats on how many people read them, but everyone I know does. There was a budget issue about the cost of puplication and there was a general uprising when it was proposed to eliminate them. They raised the price of advocacy statements to $2/word to cover some of the cost.

Richard Yarnell said...

On the deficit:

Make sure they understand the difference between the deficit and the national debt.

Once they understand what the deficit is, they will jump to the conclusion that spending is too high. Taxes always are.

I try to find a way to put it in personal terms by first finding out whether there are things they don't think the government is doing adequately. That leads to a discussion about whether there is any other way to deliver the services and who can do it fairly and cheaply.

Whether you can persuade them they should pay enough in taxes to pay for the services the government provides - well, results will vary based on your eloquence and mastery of the facts and their pig headedness.

A lot of folks just won't listen.

dan said...

I can almost hear the "pub" conversation from here. The least informed are also the most confident of their beliefs. A direct lightning bolt stike to their brain wouldn't even begin to penetrate. Even when that group votes "correctly" it's not from any understanding of the issues, more just a sense that things are screwed up.

" main concerns has been how to educate fellow citizens..."

I had a little success during the last election cycle getting some letters to the editor published. (only in Detroit & suburban papers...I struck out with the NY Times) I think people change their minds only gradually so just planting a seed of doubt about their current beliefs is progress.

Deb, you're very articulate, and one of the most persuasive writers I've ever encountered. You just needs a wider audience to have an impact.

dan said...

"...results will vary based on your eloquence and mastery of the facts and their pig headedness..."

Well put. I don't think I've ever changed anyone's opinion during a discussion. I considerate it a success if I put a slight crack in their armor that may widen with time.

Anonymous said...

I've lived in Louisiana, North Carolina, and Alabama. I don't remember ever seeing any voter pamphlets.

The newspapers print bio blurbs just before the election. The info comes from each of the campaign offices. Usually its just name, age, occupation, religion, education, memberships. Maybe a quote from the candidate.

dan said...

"...I've had one success. My former neighbor was a lifelong Republican. I converted him and he has turned into a rabid Democrat.."

That's more success than I've had. Although after 5+ yrs of Bush, I hope there's a few people I've talked with who don't think I'm as dumb as they once did.

I love your passion but "Making a small "newspaper" and slinging it into peoples yards under cover of darkness" may be a bit much for your Texas neighbors to handle.

Anonymous said...

What disgusts me is hearing the news coverage. They keep saying that Democrats are happy that Delay won because he will be easier to beat than a different Republican.
Unfortunately there probably isn't any Democrat that can beat him. We would be a lot better off with a different Republican in office. Besides, it's a lot easier to beat someone that isn't an incumbant.

deb said...

Hi Ya'll! I'm short on time these days but here's a big {{{hug}}} for everyone. I'm way behind on reading the blog and apologize for not responding; will catch up asap.

Wanted to share this story concerning separation of church and state:

Bush executive order creates faith-based community center at Homeland Security

PS: Thanks again for this blog Marilynn and Karen. I have felt so alone in my beliefs, it is very reassuring to belong to this group of people who can realistically "see" what is happening and offer logical solutions. Thanks to you all!

dan said...

{{Deb}} It's good to hear from you. I thought we might have lost you to the intellectual crowd at your pub.

Somehow, Bush's new "Faith Based Community Center" as part of Homeland Security doesn't reasure me at all. Maybe his "Theocracy Police Force" can haul me in and explain it to me. I hope I'm not on Pat Robertson's hit list.

dan said...

"... when Bush is finished destroying all social programs..."

The Neo-Cons Manifesto clearly states that all social spending is an improper diversion of revenue from its intended purpose of world domination by the highly connected.

The Theocracy Police will explain it to you down at the station (see you there).

Christopher C. NC said...

Yes, I use my blower to "vacumn" my truck before I wash it. Just remove any loose change, open both doors and presto every bit of crud disappears.

dan said...

Hello Judy,
If you ever want to learn how to do "links", Deb left some good instructions at the bottom of this blog (scroll to the "Reply to Andy Stern" comments....Deb at 7:41). It took me numurous attempts before I got it.

I also admire the two Texas women you mentioned. Maybe it's just the Texas men who screw thinks up.

dan said...

Yesterday morning Deb was kind enough to tip us off to a recent Executive Order. I've stumbled on another one as reported in the "Onion". I'll post a link under the govt. thread.

dan said...

Sorry Judy, The letter to Andy Stern is gone and also Deb's "links" instructions. I'll post instructions on the seldom used insult thread in case you ever want to try your hand at it.

deb said...

I am seriously going to work on getting the voter pamphlets in NC. Good idea about the League of Women voters, Judy. I'm new here and it has taken a while just to get caught up with local protocol and who's who.

Great ideas about the leaf blower Marilynn and Christopher...but I like Judy's use for the blower best;)

Congrats on the "liberation" of your neighbor Marilynn, one less vote for *them* and one more for us. Plus, it sounds as if it will have the snowball effect since your neighbor has seen the light.

Thanks for the compliment Dan. I grew up in a logical/realistic home. Dad was an engineer and WWII vet and Mom a teacher. I was taught to be fair, non-judgemental in situations where others rights weren't infringed upon, and to rely on common sense. I raised my kids with the same ethics. Up until the time the country/government/media started raking Clinton over the coals about absolutely anything he (or Hillary) did I honestly believed that most adults used similar values to function in life. It saddens me, but I now know that "appearance and gossip" rule most people's lives.

Cheryl, I have become such a skeptic that when I hear the media promoting something (such as dems being happy about DeLay) I start looking for the motive behind it. I think in this case that by saying that the dems were "happy" about him they were able to bypass the real things dems (and anyone that reads) are saying about DeLay.

It looks like the threads are still all here, Dan. Are they back on your PC?

Marilynn or Karen: I'd like to start a new open thread as this one is getting long. I botched it last time and request that one of you set it up:)

dan said...

My Breadcrusts home page looked different for awhile yesterday, with 2/3 of the threads missing. It looks normal today.

Richard Yarnell said...

Habeas Schmabeas

I've just posted an article in "State of the Union." It goes very much to the issue of whether this Union will survive if we don't begin, soon, demanding our liberties and those of others.

dan said...

Howdy Marilynn,
It's good to hear from you and in a good mood to boot. I hope you're right about this purchase being good for journalism.

dan said...

Molley Ivans latest column is teriffic. I posted it in "The World Today" thread.

deb said...

Thanks for the list Marilynn. The Charlotte Observer is in the newspaper boxes in front of stores around here. I'll start checking it out.

dan said...

Here's a link to some St. Patrick's Day drinking songs:

Some Irish Songs

Just scroll down the page to see the song list.

deb said...

Thanks Dan and a Happy Saint Patrick's Day to you! I'm listening to the tunes while I check my e-mail. I'm walking down to the pub shortly to see what's happening.

This area was mainly settled by Irish and Scottish immigrants. I'm 1/2 Irish (mostly, I suppose), 1/4 Scottish and 1/4 Croatian. My Scot and Croation grandparents were immigrants. The Irish goes back to both of the potato famines and a few others could be mixed in.

Danny Boy was one of my Granny's favorites. She had a beautiful voice. Her grandparents on one side were immigrants so her father still had the accent and she could speak with a perfect Irish accent, and dance the "jig". My Scot grandmother could speak Gaelic. Oh, I just realized that Granny sang "The Irish Lullaby" too. Thanks so much for the trip down memory lane:))

dan said...

I'm glad you enjoyed the music. I hope your trip to the pub included a little singing and maybe even an Irish jig in honor of your great granny.

deb said...

Got this in my e-mail...wanted to share...

TRIVIA What Is A Billion?
A Billion is a difficult number to comprehend. The next time you hear a politician use the word "Billion," casually think about whether or not you want the politician spending your tax money. One advertising agency did a good job of putting that figure into perspective in one of its releases.
1. A Billion Seconds ago -- it was 1973.
2. A Billion Minutes ago -- Jesus was alive.
3. A Billion Hours ago -- our ancestors were living in the Stone Age.
4. A Billion Days ago - No One walked on two feet on earth.
5. A Billion Dollars ago -- was only 8 hours and 20 minutes, at the rate our government spends it.

dan said...

Thanks for sharing that e-mail Deb.
I'm going to save it for future use.

dan said...

The National Debt has continued to increase an average of
$2.43 billion per day since September 30, 2005!

dan said...

I normally post stories about outrageous conduct by our government, corporations or MSM etc. Since nobody needs a steady diet of such stories, today I set out to find something to post that would be lighthearted and entertaining. I failed big time.

I was driving home, listening to an NPR interview. A spokesman for Greenpeace was explaining that his organization had been audited by the IRS and how that had come about.

A group called "Public Interest Watch", funded almost 100% by Exxon Mobile, had enough clout to trigger the audit questioning the tax exempt status of Greenpeace.

The real beef of course is that Greenpeace is vigorously sounding the alarm about global warning. Exxon is spending a portion of its windfall profits in funding anyone(politicians,think tanks, *scientists* etc.) willing to discredit the facts indicating climate change.

Greenpeace came out sqeaky-clean in the audit. What I found disturbing is that Exxon's money was so effective in buying phony science and a politically motivated IRS audit. I guess Washington is for sale.

Democracy Now interview

dan said...

Exxon buys influence

dan said...

Lets drink a toast to Exxon

Christopher C. NC said...

Ok here goes this may have done it Deb and Judy.

From Judy Originally

Christopher C. NC said...

It worked. It may only work until April 1st though because my Carlyle Group owned phone company/internet provider is doing the final switchover then and I will have a new ISP and e-mail and, and, and.....

It is going to take a few days for me to get reorganized

Christopher C. NC said...

Well Deb trying to get this to work is sure keeping me busy. Another try.

Judy's Eyeball Exercise

I am off to hike the Crater in the am so I hope this works.

deb said...

Sorry Christopher, didn't know it would be hard...I feel like the lady in your new story that uses all sorts of technology but can't turn off the water outside;) Well, actually I'm the other way around. If it needs done around the house I'm fairly efficient...but when it comes to technology I usually asked my kids to do it and now I don't know how and they have their own places.

Note to all: Christopher has a couple of new stories at his web site.

{{{thnak you Christopher}}}

dan said...

As usual Marilynn, your radar picks up facists trends at their early stages. The religious right has won some battles, but they won't win "this war". Americans are slow to see what is happening, but they'll *get it* soon.

Thank you and Karen for the blog changes. The number of threads seems about right.

Richard Yarnell said...

I guess I missed something.

What's the significance of the colors?

It appears that all the other threads are dead.

By chance, I hit an old shortcut to the SSB and looked at the list of really-good-ideas-we-missed which have been picked up by those that are "tagging."

I'm pleased to report that currently #2 under the name "Elizabeth," is one I wrote together with several members of my Pomona College (1964) class - in other words, it was the class contribution. It's worth reading some of the comments that we added to flesh out what we have in mind.

I'll check here to learn how the new regime is supposed to work and where we're supposed to put additions to established threads.


dan said...

On the Bread Crust home page has the Notable Links (currently Bob Geiger) always been there? I've never noticed it before.

Richard Yarnell said...

SSB home page
A slice above
and then there's an internal link that leads to a list of two dozen of the top flagged ideas.

The Pomona College Class of 1964 (Elizabeth) has slipped to three today

deb said...

Richard, The "WHO am I voting for?" pamphlet is at number one today (3/30). I have sent a copy to the dems running in NC. I also suggested that they check out the SSB ideas searching by the "tag" words.

Christopher C. NC said...

Yes Judy I have mostly stayed away. I have kinda cruised the site to see what is going on, but SEIU's performance with the contest makes my expectations of anything they may accomplish as lobbyists in Washington low and jaded.

Congratulations to you and the Pomona Class of 64 for having your good ideas rise to the top. I'll go look to see how mine may have got on the list.

My ISP is supposed to be switching today from Verizon to my New Carlyle Group They do not even have their home page up yet. My e-mail address is changing and this may set off a chain of events that may take some time to re-organize. It looks like it is going to rain all day so I am ready to go and they are still farting around.

dan said...

Judy I just dropped by SSB and voted for your ideas. Congrat. & good luck. I also voted for Christopher's idea but I couldn't find Richard's Eliz.

dan said...

Richard, I was able to find your idea and gave it the check mark. That idea along with Christophers and some by Judy continue to be highlighted in the top 40.

dan said...

And Debbie has an idea at no.43.

deb said...

Judy, when I first came to the SSB site, it was with the intention of posting an idea to Restore the Fairness Doctrine. A quick search showed me that more than a few people had already posted it. The first that I could find was idea #428.

My idea "America's Worst Problem" is at 17 today 4/4. It is not even an idea, I just posted it hoping to draw attention to the lack of real news that we get from our media.

My idea #15856 is what I hoped would help to take the country in a different direction. The title is "Accurate Information for the Public". I had envisioned SSB having a daily internet news show to compete with mainstream media. I believed then, as I do now, that if we had just a regular news hour that we could watch on the internet then enough people would be educated about what is happening. I was hoping for something moderate enough to attract all audiences (hence the Walter Chronkite suggestion). I believe that this could be low budget...someone read the news (National and World), interviews with the people who have been ignored (Clint Curtis, et al) and that is it.

Christopher C. NC said...

I am a bit curious as to how the voting for "A Slice Above" is working and if it is prone to the same multiple e-mail account votes as in the past incarnation of SSB. My Election idea and many others keep rising and sinking. I have not been participating in voting or tagging just lurking at this point. It is so easy to wander off in another direction on the internet.

It is now 4-4, the day was supposed to be 4-1, and my new ISP is still not anywhere near fully functional. The only switch they have accomplished is the e-mail service. I guess I am lucky to be connected at all but I am bit concerned that they couldn't just go live after 11 months of planning. It's not like they are re-inventing the wheel.

dan said...

I just reviewed Debbie's "Class Action Lawsuit Against The Media".
SSB then put it on the home page under "Resently Reviewed".

dan said...

Christopher, I have no idea of what they're doing at SSB. Ideas are bouncing around like a pin-ball gone wild.

And best of luck with your new *service*.

deb said...

I have a favor to ask...would y'all click "yes" and leave a comment on Idea # 428, that is, of course if you are in support of restoring the Fairness Doctrine. I don't know how many posts and clicks it would need to rise into the ranks, but once in the ranks it may be noticed...which, I believe, is a good thing.

The voter phamplets are a good thing, too. I'm glad they are at the top and being noticed.

Christopher C. NC said...


Christopher C. NC said...

Restore the Fairness Doctrine,idea #428 is number 45 on the list now. Was it even on there before?

deb said...

No, it wasn't {{{Christopher}}}...thanks

dan said...

I'm glad to help get the "Restore The Fairness Doctrine" idea more exposure. I checked "yes" this morning and I'll write a review later today.

Richard Yarnell said...

Here's grumpy old Richard again:

Swift requires 30mph winds for at least 30% of the time to reach even the modest claims they make for it.

Now there are some places where you can find sustained winds like that, but they are few and far between.

Wind is nice, but it has to blow at a certain speed.

Stirling engine changes heat to mechanical energy with some substantial losses. You don't get anything for nothing. In some applications, there may be a good reason to convert heat to a form of energy that can do work. In other words, you don't get more energy out of a gallon of fuel oil by making the conversion. In the stack, you might be able to capture waste heat, but it wouldn't be a lot. I didn't look to see what modern efficiencies for a Stirling engine are. It might cost more to build and maintain the engine than the device could recover. It might even be probable.

christin m p in massachusetts said...

Hi Christopher,
It was really nice to hear back from you -- you made my day. I'm happy to see that your idea for an election channel and web site has made it to #4 on the list (as of 8:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time on April 5th). What I don't get is that your same idea, but renamed, is at #33. Anyway, I really hope that someone is able to create something like that soon, because we definitely need it.

Does any of you know how we might be able to start a something like that -- at least the web site part of it? Even if the candidates did still have the other usual settings available for campaigning, at least an unbiased site like that would provide voters with an alternative source of information about them.

christin m p in massachusetts said...

I've been thinking a lot about the immigration reform controversy. It is something that will affect me in a major way. I'm wondering what all of you think about that subject, since you are a pretty good representation of middle America.

I don't know how much you guys are affected by or even come into contact with undocumented immigrants. Here in Central Massachusetts, we may have more immigrants in our work force than U.S. citizens -- both documented and undocumented -- from Central and South America, Ghana and scattered other African countries, and Eastern Europe. Most of our workers from Southeast Asia have long since become U.S. citizens. I've worked among them for years now, so I know that they work very hard and are good, decent people, so I don't think they should be labeled as felons. At the same time, I worry that if President Bush's idea for a guest worker program were to be implemented, I would be impacted directly and immediately since many of them do warehouse work like I do.

I'm just so ambivalent about the whole thing -- I don't know how to feel.

Christopher C. NC said...

Christina you do need to be concerned for the simple fact that more people competing for fewer jobs drives wages down. The big bogie man of open borders and terrorism is more hype then real and diverts from the real issue of immigration itself. As a nation we should have as much control over our borders and immigration as possible.

I saw a discussion of this on TV and loved one women's response to the problem. She said these are largely hard working honest people just like us who only want to make a better life for themselves and their children. We do them an injustice in a way we we label the people as the problem. The problem she said is a government problem and a problem between governments and that is the proper place to direct our anger, frustration and concern about unchecked illegal immigration.

Hawaii is not immune to this. We have many illegal immigrants from all over Polynesia, the Phillipines and in the last 4 to 5 years many more from Mexico as they follow the California refugees here to mow their lawns.

Anonymous said...

The immigrants (legal & not) are just doing their best to make a living. The problem is a combination of poor conditions in their home country, and employers in our country that will take advantage of them. They will keep coming as long as employers can get away with it.

People in favor of the guest worker program say that we need the illegal immigrants because if we paid them a living wage, our food would cost too much. Then they say that if we could make them legal, the workers could demand better pay. They really need to pick one argument or the other.

As for me personally, I have been seriously impacted by H1B visas & outsourcing. The H1B visas keep our wages down, and the outsourcing is about to make software engineering work in the US a thing of the past.

Christopher C. NC said...

Debbie, at 10:15 pm 04-06-06 Hawaiian time, Restore the Fairness Doctrine was #1 on the list. I sure wish I could be a fly in their computer program to see how this thing is working. The review system is no longer working and the recently tagged list seems so static compared to the Slice Above list.

Did any of you get an e-mail from Terrance saying that you would be featured on the home page if you did the most tags in one day? I am still just lurking and not voting or tagging.

Marilynn it is nice to hear from you. You have been so quiet of late. Too bad about Tom Delay, he did so much good for the Great State of Texas.

deb said...

Immigration is just the latest "issue" to get the public's interest off of the reality of our government. Yes, it seriously affects the middle class. What is the *real* answer? Hold the people who are hiring illegals responsible. Make them pay fair and equitable wages with benefits. Pugs (republicans) aren't going to do this, so the immigration issue must wait until we have dems in office and even then we *must* stay on top of them to make them do the right thing.

Who wouldn't want cheap labor? It still doesn't make cheap labor right and cheap labor isn't healthy for the country. It is just a short term benefit for the wealthy.

Restore the Fairness Doctrine is still at number #1 as of 4/9. Thanks y'all ~~me blowing kisss to all~~

Judy, you must have a fan club...most of the ideas at the top are yours...good ideas, btw.

Well...Grumpy Old Richard;)) Grumpy or not you have the brain to design an alternative/renewable energy plan for this country. I only *wish* I had the knowledge of how things work, along with the ability to see the path that different scenerios would lead, that you have. There have been only a few of you in history, and very few are left. (My godson is a chemical engineer and I am more capable of repairing something than he is...i.e. college just can't teach what you know.)

Richard, if you ever wrote a plan for the nation for alternative/renewable energy I would definately spend my time making sure that our elected officials read and understood the content of it, and worked toward creating legislation to put the plan into place.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who works for a living should be concerned about unlimited immigration. The illegal immigrants are essentially a slave labor force. They have driven down wages to below a living wage. The unemployment rate of low skilled workers is outrageous, and the rest of us get to subsidize the cheapskate employers by paying for more social services.

Skilled workers are also in trouble. H1B visas are being used to hold down wages in what used to be good paying jobs.

That's the problem with this administration, they attack us from so many sides, we get dizzy just trying to keep up with the issues, let alone try to do anything about them.

We need to enforce employment laws against illegal hiring practices, underpayment, and unsafe conditions.

If we took a small part of the money we spend blowing up Iraq, and used it to help the Mexican democracy and economy, we would vastly improve our own security.

christin m p in massachusetts said...
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christin m p in massachusetts said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
dan said...

I've been following the posts on this thread regarding the imigration reform issue and you all make excellent points. I hope the final bill will balance those issues with some empathy for the immigrants.

David Sirota wrote a column in Sundays San Francisco Chronicle that looks at an underlying cause of the problem.

NAFTA and Imigration

Richard Yarnell said...

A local correspondent, to solve the illegal alien problem, suggests that we offer statehood to Mexico. He points out that, among other things,
building a fence on our new southern border would be much cheaper, it wouldn't take a passport to get
into Mexico, we'd have a much longer domestic growing season, we'd also have a renewed domestic oil supply (at least for a few years) and those
funky retro Chrysler cars would be produced in this country.

To which another correspondent replied:

Another modest proposal: How about annexation? There was a growing movement in the US at the end of the Mexican War (AKA: The US invasion of
Mexico) to annex all of that country. And President Polk reluctantly--as he confided to
his diary--refused to accede to it. But now that our glorious nation
is the only superpower on the planet, we might hold out for higher stakes: invasion and subjugation of any Latin American countries that dare defy imposition of the FTAA. Would we offer them statehood? Of course not. Territorial status?
Hmmmm. Maybe they could be incorporated into the US as reservations to be "developed" by US corporations. Just an idea to ponder while we get ready to take out Iran.

To which I then responded:

Annexation might prove to be a distraction from the administration's
reported goal to nuke the Iranian Nuke Project. On the other hand,
if annexation proved distasteful to the Mexicans to our south, we
would be at a distinct disadvantage: 1) there is an appreciable
number of English speaking Mexicans who have access to just about
every level of our government; 2) we don't have similar human assets
on the ground in Mexico; 3) as we've seen in Iraq, a large area is
tough to police once it's been "subdued" and in the case of Mexico, it would not be to our advantage to "waste" it.

If we offered statehood and they refused, then we'd have a prima facia case that Mr. Fox and his people are intent on taking advantage of us and we could, shut down the border, trade, tourism, and really make them suffer.

I know this is a serious issue. Any solution is going to be some kind of compromise and none of them will be satisfactory to everyone. But as I've said before, it's a global economy now and we're going to have to learn to cope with that. One of the things this mostly liberal Democrat believes is that we aren't in the economic driver's seat anymore. Our best hope is to embrace global trade, revitalize our once impressive labor movement and send them to organize our new competition. It will take some time and it may get uncomfortable while wages, costs of living, and other factors equalize.

In the end, if you take a look at Earth photographed from space, you'll be compelled to agree that nationalism is obsolete.

christin m p in massachusetts said...

The article on NAFTA and Immigration, leaves me feeling both sad and enraged.

This means reforming our trade policy to include serious wage, workplace and human-rights provisions so that cross-border commerce actually improves the lives of Mexican workers to the point where they no longer feel the dire economic need to break our immigration laws.

Who has it in their power to enact laws that can make this happen? What, if anything, can we do to help turn the national focus from immigration reform (the band-aid) to trade policy reform (the cure)?

christin m p in massachusetts said...

I don't know much about Mexican President Vicente Fox. How is he as a leader? Does he have his people's best interest at heart -- or is he only in office to serve his own purposes?

Would we offer them statehood? Of course not. Territorial status?

You gave a possible negative result in offering Mexico statehood. Is there a possible positive outcome?

dan said...

Christin, I think your right to be frustrated with NAFTA. While I agree with Richard that we need to embrace free trade, we could have put in provisions that would have gradually raised standards for wages and working conditions. Instead we just gave the green light to unrestrained Capitalism which has always abused workers. I wish I knew the best solution.

Richard Yarnell said...

I think the Wikipedia article on Fox is fair. He's spent a good deal of his time as President without a majority in the legislature.

I can think of several positive aspects of a unified North America. I don't think it will happen any time soon. Nor did Clinton (whom Fox identifies with, BTW. Hence NAFTA.

Richard Yarnell said...

Not to be confused with the New Zealand, Australia Free Trade Agreement.


christin m p in massachusetts said...

Since it seemed like forever since you had last posted at this blog, I was beginning to worry that something had happened to you. I'm glad to know you're okay.

That idea isn't mine, but thanks for being supportive. I went in and took a look at it and clicked on "yes" and added a few tags. Is the tag "reform" meant mostly for government reform? Or can it apply to the reform of any system or practice? I also added "finance" and "economics" to it.

christin m p in massachusetts said...

"Consumer credit and debt" is still #5 (as of 1:20am EDT on 4/17). I voted for it and added the same tags that I put on credit card mania.

I did some tagging in the first few days, but not much since. I should get back to voting and do my part. Speaking of which, does anyone know what happened to Brian (aka anonymous in Massachusetts and Skids)?

deb said...

Christin and all...I e-mailed Brian aka skids to ask if he cared if I posted his e-mail on these threads. His e-mail is and thought that you would be interested in his reply...

do you care if I put your e-mail on the threads

NP go ahead.

> Oh, and just are you? Are you working at some
terrific job worthy of your expertise? deb

No, I have interviewed for a job that will surely use my expertise, but
is way below my normal "pay grade." Hopefully I'll know something in a
or two. Thanks for asking!

I know I have to get around to scoring the ballots, I just keep putting
off since I have to go salvage some of the ones where people didn't get
security "captcha" part right which might take a couple hours. That
the results are considerably less meaningful with so few ballots cast.
Without a blog at the SSB site to rabble-rouse it's hard to drive
to the site. But hey, one silver lining if you can call it that is
is an active lawsuit.


christin m p in massachusetts said...

One Subject Per Law was one of my favorites too. It reminded me of back when we were all commenting on SSB's blog, how Debbie explained to me about the way contingency riders on a bill can steer some congressmen into voting against it even if they are actually in favor of it. Being that I knew so little about political processes, I was really thrown to learn for the first time that they make the bills so convoluted in order to serve their own ends. It just flies in the face of decency.

One Subject Per Law is a "common sense idea" if ever there was one.

John G. said...

"I just went over to SSB to tag... discovered that John G. is one of the top taggers..."

Of his own IDEAS. 3 to be exact...
if that made me a top tagger they will be there a while.

Deb, do you mind if I e-mail you?
I picked up your e-mail from another thread...oh yeah, I am no relation to John A. if anyone is wondering, I do however find him somewhat entertaining though. I personally have never been very political, he's a master. Heh JUDY...:-) miss me?

deb said...

JG...I'd love to hear from you...mail away:))

Christin, that is really a compliment that I was able to share some information that you didn't know. I liked the SSB threads in that there was such an exciting conversation going on all of the time, but I feel as if each of you in our spin off group is now a close friend. If y'all ever want to try to meet, then count me in.

dan said...

Marilynn, I hope your Mother-in-law has a complete recovery and that you and Al are able to cope with the added stress. Your internet friends care about your well being so check in when you can.

John G. said...

Some of my favorites, "SINCE THE BEGINNING.?" is the one I would hope would gain the most interest...NEVER HURT TO LOOK:)
Ever heard of NEW HORIZONS? stay tuned, the data it sends back will be revolutionary.
thanx DEB...I will correspond soon...gotta go! Marilynn, keep tagging!
ps, how does christopher put that cool photo with all his postings, I would like to learn how to do that...

· "AUTO" Diagnostics & Mechanics
· "LOOK" Like an Egyptian
· "PICTURE" this
· "THINK" outside of thebox.
· Environmental "RADAR"
· EVERY IDEA gets 100 grand!
· go "POSTAL"
· Lime light for the lil'guy Make the gulf... the 51'st state.
· Sick Building Syndrome
· stop or "GROW"
Winner donates Winnings

Christopher C. NC said...

John G. The photo shows up on my comments because I added it in my Blogger profile. Go to your own blog and the edit profile option. Scroll down to the upload photo feature and then pick any picture you like, a pyrimid maybe, and that will show up whenever you comment on any Blogger run blog.

christin m p in massachusetts said...

Whenever I think about the goal of prioritizing the ideas over at SSB, it makes me think about creating an outline of our nation's/world's problems and what needs to happen in order to solve them. But I'm not sure about their order of importance and I can't find solutions to some of them.

One of the reasons I sometimes need to shut out thoughts about the world's problems is because they are reported in such scattered fashion. So I'm asking if you guys would help me with the outline, so I can get an organized picture of these issues. I see it beginning something like this:

I. The War in Iraq
A. Workable Plan for Withdrawal
1. ?????

II. Trade Imbalance with China
A. ?????

III. U.S. Government
A. Election Reform
1. ?????
B. Legislation Reform
1. ?????

IV. Oil Companies/Suppliers
A. Conservation Efforts
B. Alternative Fuels
1. Compiling information about
current product practicality and
a. cost/affordability
b. efficiency
c. climate considerations

If I had all the information I need, I know I could draft a good outline for this purpose. But I just don't know enough about all of these problems, and it would probably take eons for me to catch up. All of you seem to have been following these issues for many years, so that's why I'm asking you to help me with this.

Anonymous said...

Here's my suggestions for now:

Election Reform:
1. paper trail for accurate recounts.
2. public campaign finance.
3. Instant runoff.

Health Care:
1. Universal Access.
2. Single payer (lose the insurance companies)

christin m p in massachusetts said...

Thanks so much Cheryl and Judy for helping me fill in some of the gaps. I've written those in. Now, do you think the war should be #1, and that the trade imbalance with China sould be second. Or should U.S. Government be given a higher priority on the outline? And what rank should health care have?

Anonymous said...

There are so many important issues, that I often change my mind from one day to the next. Do we work on convincing our leaders to do the right thing, or do we work on getting new leaders? How do we change the political system without getting new leaders, but how do we get new leaders without changing the political system.

It can be an infuriatingly slow process. Just try to leave things in some way better than you found them.

One more item for your list of government changes, effective regulation. Just look into any group concerned with raising safe food, workplace safety, or environmental safety.

For example, the EPA lied about the safety of the air in New York after 9/11. Emergency workers are starting to die due to their exposure.

There is a group of small beef producers suing the government for the right to check each of their cattle for mad cow disease. The mega-producers have made it illegal to check each and every cow.

The list goes on, pick something you can do something about, and keep the others in mind when you can.

dan said...

This issue would top my list.

"The goal of globally eliminating all weapons of mass destruction needs to be put back at the top of the American foreign policy agenda."

Bombs Away

I'm talking about electing leaders who understand that it is in our best interest to work towards eliminating ALL WMDs including our own. We'll never have the resources we need to solve our problems or save our planet as long as we expend our wealth and our young lives trying to dominate world affairs with weaponry.

dan said...

BTW if after reading "Bombs Away" any of you conclude that I'm a fan of Ronald Reagan, I'll have to kill myself.

Richard Yarnell said...

Have you heard the one about the Illinois Representative who has offered HJR0125 which calls for the impeachment of President Bush.

You may scoff, but the word around town is that Uncle Tom Jefferson put a rule in the book of House Rules that allows a state's joint resolution to become a privileged bill in the US House, requiring that it jump to the head of the line.

Not to be outdone, California has it's own version of the same bill except that it includes Shotgun Dick Cheney.

BTW: at least one of the bill of particulars is designated a felony.


Richard Yarnell said...

Of course, the premise for us having he bomb when all around us can't is based on our being the good guys. After all, we're the only nation on planet earth ever to have bombed another country during a war.

I agree we ought to rid ourselves of most if not all of our aresenal. They're damned expensive to keep in good order. And then we have to pay that Colonel to carry that briefcase around, tagging along with the Prez.

If the new movie about flight, is it 93?, the one that finally crashed in PA, is to be believed, the military couldn't find the President to authorize (or not) shooting down the plane that hit the Pentagon. Apparently they wanted authorization on flight 93 too. In a way, though, the Delta flight that was thought, wrongly, to have been highjacked, may have been spared by his again being absent without leave.

The film has had almost universally good reviews. It runs about the same time that the flight lasted and does not allow its characters to know anything more than was known at the time. Sounds chilling to me.


deb said...

Christina, To me the very top priority if dems take Congress in 06 is to force the media to openly and honestly discuss issues. If US citizens hear the proposals (along with all riders) that are being voted on in Congress they will step up to the plate and demand that gov't serve the best interest of the people and environment.

I am for medicare for all.

Of course, plug-in hybrids in every garage and solar panels on every roof that feed the grid. Alternative energy sources are a national security issue, as well as environmental. Alternative energy sources will grow our economy by keeping our energy dollars here at home. Alt. energy will provide good jobs for people here.

Oregons' voting system should go nation wide. Pamphlets about the candidates along with mail in voting.

I've been away from the pc for a while and this is a bit off the cuff, so I'll think about it some more and let you know.

deb said...

Very good news Richard! w's approval rating is at 32% as of yesterday.

Of course the neocons are scrambling to "fix" their image...but it sure is hard to put a positive image on lying, stealing from us to make themselves very rich, creating wars to make themselves rich, etc.

BTW, I though it appropriate that the new whitehouse spin artists' name is Snow. I'm not sure about the rest of the country, but when someone whitewashes a subject we call that a "snowjob" in the south.

Dan, couldn't you just imagine if we had spent all of the war money since WWII on alternative energy, infrastructure, and scientific research instead of weapons? And ya know what? Those same companies could have still gotten rich from doing it right.

deb said...

psst...richard...(whispering quietly)...we're the bad guys, and we're fresh out of allies...

Richard Yarnell said...

No! Really?

But we've still got the bomb!

dan said...

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed. The world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children....This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from an iron cross".
Dwight D. Eisenhower (R), 1953

christin m p in massachusetts said...

Your emphasis on environment definitely would make my list. I've always believed in buying only what we need and taking very good care of it so that it will last as long as possible. There are some things that just have to be disposable, though, in order to curb the spread of disease, so I don't know how it's possible to conserve those resources. One thing that I myself have been guilty of is casual driving -- long rides down scenic back roads on the weekends. I always rationalized that my car is a four-cylinder late model vehicle, so it has all the pollution controls and it gets good gas mileage. But I know that it's still wasteful, so I've been doing a lot less casual driving lately. And now with gas prices getting up so high again, I'm probably going to stop it altogether and drive only to work and back.

Anonymous said...

The tie between money and politics is very deep and twisted. Public financing of campaigns would go a long way towards separating them. The amount of money it takes to get elected nowadays is obscene.

christin m p in massachusetts said...

There's just so much to read and nearly all of it is brand new to me, so there may already have been some discussion of this... What is our best possible means for making public financing of campaigns a reality? Is there some impenetrable wall blocking any chance for it? Or is there a probability that with the right strategy we can make it happen?

Anonymous said...

Arizona and I think one other state already have public funding for campaigns. I doubt that it will happen at the federal level before more states enact it.

Most people probably are against the idea at first thought because it sounds like yet another tax. The best argument I've seen is that if someone has to own the politcians, it might as well be the people. We're paying for it anyway through our purchases. Why not get the credit?

There are a very few politicians endorsing public financing. Let them all know what you think.

deb said...

Thanks for the heads up on making public financing a state issue, Cheryl. I'm now a Democratic Rep. (showed up at a meeting and raised my hand) from this precinct. I will be attending the dem state conference and will take handouts and talk it up.

Christin, I believe that the impenetrable wall is a huge wall of money. In order for our gov't to have public finance our elected officials must write the bill and vote for it...but they are the ones becoming very wealthy from the current system and would only get their base salary from a public finance system.

christin m p in massachusetts said...

Judy and Marilynn seem to be missing again. Deb, I know you and Marilynn stay in touch through emails -- Do you know if her mother-in-law is recovering okay?

Richard Yarnell said...

Portland, OR passed public financing (candidates get a choice but have to stick to it) and is using it for the first time this year (I think).

Unfortunately, one candidate took the $140K she qualified for and did some unseemly things with the funds: paying her daughter a lot to do some campaign work, paying a rental fee well past the time the space would be used for her campaign, some personal bills....

None of it was the fault of the system, but it didn't set well with the public.

Whether candidates get rich personally, incumbents who have already spent time gathering financial support are going to have a hard time giving up their advantage. In those states where voter initiatives are allowed, that's probably the way to go. But in those states, they need to have enough money to get a really good lawyer or two to draft the initiative: it's bound to be challenged at every turn.


Richard Yarnell said...

It would be more useful to have the "date" or "date/time" stamp on new posts.


deb said...

Richard, Do you know how to do it? I'm signed up to be able to edit, etc., but sadly I am such a novice at this. Send me an e-mail if you know how and I'll give it my best shot.

deb said...

OOOOOOOO, How cool am I? Thanks Christopher {{{mmwah}}}

deb said...

Christin, I e-mailed Marilynn but haven't heard anything. I told her we were thinking about her and her family.

dan said...

Deb/Christopher....I'm impressed!

Christopher C. NC said...

I am kinda surprised that it redid all the comments. I guess the info was always there it was just a choice of do you want it to show up or not. So you just flipped the "Show It" switch.

Richard Yarnell said...

Thanks, Deb.

Anonymous said...

That would be a good idea. They are getting a bit long to load up on dial up.

Richard Yarnell said...

I'm not sure how it's done, but I know a friend on this site who archives monthly, retaining the same "thread."

I will admit that the colors, and people's choice of where to post among them, remains a mystery.


dan said...

Marilynn, Thanks to your detailed post about your mother-in-law, ".. the meanest old woman that ever lived..." my hard to deal with, 88yr old in-laws now seem like perfect saints. I hope your holding up ok.

christin m p in massachusetts said...

I kind of like the idea of the thread colors, but I'm open to anything. Whether or not the threads get renamed, I do prefer to have only a few of them the way we have now. Maybe we could use some of the same categories we had before, but consolidate them so that our small group wouldn't end up so separated again.

Richard Yarnell said...

Since the colors don't refer to anything, why not just have one "thread."

Perhaps archiving each month (giving a few days to allow for easy reference to established threads) would solve the problem of long loading times.

Monthly threads could be titled "May '06," "June '06," etc.

dan said...

Archiving sounds fine to me, but I like the current method of having 4 undefined threads. When I stumble on information I'd like to share, rather than "interrupt" an on-going discussion, I just post it on a thread where the last topic seems to have run its course. It's not very time consuming to brouse 4 threads.

Richard Yarnell said...

That makes sense.

christin m p in massachusetts said...

"Purple 2.0", etc. is fine with me.

christin m p in massachusetts said...

Apparently unmarried American citizens are a hot commodity right now. Less than one hour ago, I was offered $6000 for a "business arrangement" to marry the undocumented friend of one of my co-workers. He said I wouldn't have to live with the person, but that doesn't matter to me. When I finally do get married, I want it to be perfect -- not for mercenary reasons.

I would have thought it was an isolated incident, but just two weeks ago, a young Mexican guy made me the same offer. Apparently, $6000 is the going rate. Before that "proposal", at least he asked me if I liked to dance. I guess he figured if he was going to marry a stranger, we might as well at least have something in common.

One of my American male co-workers said one of the guys brought his undocumented sister in to work to meet him, and made him the same offer.

Since it's just a business offer, at least you don't have to feel like you hurt someone's feelings when you turn them down. From now on, I'm just going to say I'm already married. Saves time and anguish.

dan said...

Very interesting Christin...not exactly a fairy tale type proposal.
Sounds like some illegals are getting nervous.

christin m p in massachusetts said...

Yes, I think so. I've been told that it's been going on for some time over in Framingham, MA where there seems to be more Brazilians than U.S. citizens. My guess is that it's mostly Brazilian women with American men, because it is very common here to meet married couples with that "configuration" (I couldn't think of the right term there). We have a woman here at work who is Brazilian and became a U.S. citizen when she married her American husband. I think that most of those marriages are legitimate, though, because the American men find the Brazilian women "hot", and the women seem to really love their husbands. They also usually work hard to bring extra income in to help their husbands out, so they aren't looking for a "free ride". I don't think the young Mexican women are going to have much trouble finding American husbands either, as they're pretty easy to look at too. I'm just stating that as an observation -- I swear I'm not bisexual. Not that I think there's anything wrong with it.

christin m p in massachusetts said...

Just so you know, I've had plenty of offers from attractive American men too, at least if you count phone numbers I'm still given -- no matter how much older I get. I tell them I'll call sometime, even when I know I probably won't -- I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. Anyway, what I'm saying is that I don't think it's true that the immigrants only go for ugly ones -- all they care about is that you're unmarried. I'm a warm, friendly person, so I think sometimes that gets misread.

christin m p in massachusetts said...

In Massachusetts, an undocumented carpenter gets around $15 per hour, an American carpenter gets $45 and up.

dan said...

Christin, you're wise to be patient and wait for just the right guy. Devorce rates are higher the younger the bride. And when you do have a suitor that you think might be the "one", have him blog for awhile so your internet family can see if he's worthy. We can't have our "kid sister" marry just anyone.

christin m p in massachusetts said...

Sorry Marilynn that I misunderstood you, but even these days a lot of people seem to assume (if they haven't seen you) that a woman past forty who has never been married must be homely. I've been guilty of a few assumptions myself. Like, I have wrongly assumed in the past that some never-married men past forty are probably gay, even though two of my three brothers (all "straight") are unmarried and past forty.

I'm thinking that probably the real reason why those men are still bachelors is because they're so set in their ways, and I think we women sometimes expect them to bend too much to our own liking.

christin m p in massachusetts said...

Thanks so much Dan. That's what I've been doing -- looking for someone with a "heart of gold" (who's not already taken). That's what I like about communicating on line. No one is influenced by a person's looks, so you have a better chance of finding someone who is beautiful on the inside. Then it doesn't matter whether the person is physically attractive or plain -- you'll still like them either way.

I hope this doesn't embarrass you, but I have sometimes thought to myself "Guys like Dan aren't a dime a dozen". You're always so careful of people's feelings. A lot of unmarried guys I meet are a little too (I think this was one of your terms) testosterone-driven for my comfort. They have no trouble relating physically, but seem lost when it comes to emotional stuff.

dan said...

"That's what I've been doing -- looking for someone with a "heart of gold"

Christin, you won't have to look, the right guy's out there and he WILL find you.

christin m p in massachusetts said...

Check this out:

dan said...

Good article Christin. Clearly the music industry was not willing to play protest music at a time when the President's propaganda machine had Americans bursting with "flag waving patriotism" over the Iraqi war. Now that support for the President and the war is fading, lets hope the music of Stephan Smith will finally get some exposure.

deb said...

Hey y'all...been out of town since Thurs. My daughter recieved her MA in English and graduated this weekend. Had a lovely weekend with her and her husband.

I've noticed the misunderstanding thing while blogging. By nature, the posts are quick little bits of conversation, but in a real conversation someone answers you back immediately. If someone doesn't get the whole point it is instantly corrected. On a blog days can go by before the point is modified.

We've created some kind of new reality with this form of conversing. We've converged written language with everyday conversation. But, everyday conversation includes inflection and body language that often gives meaning to the words used.

I find that other bloggers sometimes take me way to seriously when I am going for the dry humor thing. Perhaps my writing skills will improve to the point where I am skilled in correctly identifying the emotion with which the words were intended.

I have found that one of the most frustrating things in life is not being understood correctly. Maybe the "Animals" sang it best: "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good. Oh lord, please don't let me be misunderstood." It's an oldie, but a good song.

Oh, JG...haven't forgotten about the new pyramids. You KNOW I am fascinated by ancient history and want to see what they are finding...just haven't had much time lately. Have you found anything?

christin m p in massachusetts said...

Deb, is your daughter an English teacher?

dan said...

Debbie, Re: "the misunderstanding thing"
I've never understood why I find it so much harder to express myself in writting than face to face. Your post helped clear that up for me.
"..everyday conversation includes inflection and body language that often gives meaning to the words used."

I've noticed the best writters sound conversational and folksy to the point where you almost feel they're right in front of you, chatting away. For the rest of us who lack those skills, we are more likely to be misunderstood. However, if we're too guarded, we can't express ourselves at all.

Which leads me to the following disclaimer: I respect everyone who blogs here and if any of my posts offend you, be assured, that was not my intention.

Richard Yarnell said...

A curious conversation.

It's surprising to me that phone conversation is as successful as it is. By and large, the average vocabulary is smaller than it used to be. In general, people cannot defice precisely what words mean and frequently misuse words.

I suppose the mechanism of instant correction works verbally on the phone just as well as it works face to face - just fewer clues.

Even the people who use words to make their livings, at least the younger and middle aged ones, mangle the language. Rather than learn how to speak effectively, they shout.

It all gets back to the quality of education, doesn't it. I won't ever say I enjoyed diagramming sentences - but it was useful to understand just how our language works.

To wit: if you are not familiar with Anu Garg's "A Word A Day," here's how to get an email (free) six days a week (5 words on the weekdays and a compendium of responses and comments once on the weekend)

If you subscribe, make sure you read the quote of the day. He's uncanny about finding the good ones.

John G. said...

Discover magazine, June 2006 issue
Very interesting stuff...
If we could look at space travel not from a mechanical point where the emc thing dictates our limits, but a technical one where light beams do the traveling and data transmission at the speed of light we would not be confined to our galaxy and limits of the human body. Explore space from the safety and comforts of earth. I share your visions of a two hundred thousand year advanced civilization which is now lost? The pyramids are connected to this civilization as was light beam technology. With this belief it would stand to reason the civilization we believe lost, in reality, has not happened yet as we understand it...they would have/will be experienced in time travel, perhaps not in physical body, but at least in what we now call ESP. Light will be the vehicle necessary for a civilization such as atlantis to achieve it's mythical technological mastery of the heavans and the earth.
Sounds crazy, but So did Ben Franklin at times.
Great writings about misunderstandings. I am the most misunderstood writer in the universe...which is probably a good thing. Thank you for posting.

christin m p in massachusetts said...

One of my good friends has taught English at the college level for many years. I used to wonder why he never winced whenever I butchered the English language, especially since I constantly break the pronoun-and-antecedent-agreement rule (old habits die hard). So recently I asked him why this didn't bother him, and he said he thinks it's okay to let the rules slide during casual conversation, but not for formal written pieces. What he has noticed, though, is that more and more students are entering college without ever having learned the rules in the first place.

Richard Yarnell said...

On my college almuni list, we're having a related debate. I walked out on John Cage, lo those many years ago. He challenged me and I know I must have made a clever retort even though I can't remember what it was. A large group in the philosophy department look on him and is ilk as pushing the envelope and defining art. I think he's a clever marketer.

Anyway, in my view, are is not accidental. An artist is someone who learns the rules, can control his talent and skillfully perform under the existing rules or, in the case of music, in conventional schools of any number of periods. Then, if he pushes the envelope on purpose, whether it's successful or not, I think an argument can be made that he's created new art.

Ditto painting: I didn't appreciate Picasso much until I walked through the huge Met exhibit of several years ago that was arranged in chronological order. In his early years, he was a very skilled convetional painter. I'm convince that his cubism is not just rendering - a revelation to me at the time. It happened that there was a film released while I was in school that consisted of Picasso, hidden behind translucent panels on which he painted, did four paintings. In each of them he got to a point where most of the audience thought he should stop. Groans of disbelief flooded the theatre when he went "too far." But again, whether it was good art spoiled or good art, he did have control over his medium and he made choices.

I think there always has been a division between formal and informal speech. Formal speech and writing suggests that there is time for composition, revision, and precision. It is "formal," after all. Informal speech and slang seem to emanate, at least in part, from conversation on the fly. Short forms of words; conversion of words; compression. It can also come from carelessness or ignorance, or misapprehension of more formal forms.

I'm inclined to agree with your teacher. Formal speech or writing isn't always appropriate. On the other hand, precision as to meaning and vocabulary are. The fault is that we don't teach or learn the rules anymore. People don't know when they're making mistakes.

As an example, more and more "free form" poetry is written now. I think that's because fewer people have control of the language. They don't know how to be clever changing forms, making puns, and other forms of internal references.

Most of us, and I certainly include myself, are lazy. Our vocabularies are shrinking - too bad, because English is such a wealthy language.


Anonymous said...

You have to understand that he is a very likeable person, and he comes from a working class background, and he still roots for his hometown football team. What more do we need? It's not like the head of the CIA will ever need to understand concepts like the fourth amendment or anything.

dan said...

Re: "Does anyone believe we will ever again elect a President?"

We may not get the chance. I'm sure it'll occur to Pres. Bush that his second term should be extended for the duration of the Iraqi, Irani and Venezuelan wars and of course he is "The Decider".

christin m p in massachusetts said...

What???!!! He can do that???!!!!!

dan said...

Sorry for ruining your evening Christin. No he can't do that!

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