Sunday, August 05, 2007

The Environment

The Issues that Affect our Planet

Random Musings

How's Life? What is Life and What does it Mean?

Spacey Thoughts.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Current Events

All Things Political
The Latest News

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

When The Spirit Moves You

Continued Musings on the meaning of life and how we go about it.
The connections to the world around us.

Why do we insist on concrete proof of the unknowable?

New Space

A new thread with the Enterprise for John G.
Pick up where you left off.

I would imagine in the vastness of space it might be just as difficult to stay on target/topic as it is on this blog. Here it isn't a problem.

As I get ready for my journey I have less time to procrastinate on-line and need to focus on the mission at hand.

Sunday, January 21, 2007


Photo APOD

A round ball in a round orbit, the cycle of life.

Energy and the Environment, Sustainable growing, transportation and building practices.

Continue on.....


Photo APOD

Frozen in Time and slowly dripping Drip Drip

Public Policy, Education, Economics, Human Welfare Issues, Health Care

Continue on.....