Thursday, August 31, 2006


Photo APOD

A mighty wind blows things away, a gentle wind caresses.

Politics and Politicians, Elections, Campaigns and Finance Reform.



Photo APOD

Raging hot and searing to gentle embers that warm and captivate.

The Old Media, MSM, the New Media Blogs, Culture, Culture Wars and Hot Topics, Art and Science.

The Big One - Religion


Photo APOD

A round ball in a round orbit, the cycle of life.

Energy and the Environment, Sustainable growing, transportation and building practices.


Photo APOD

Frozen in Time and slowly dripping Drip Drip

Public Policy, Education, Economics, Human Welfare Issues, Health Care

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Changing of the Guard

Zephyranthes rosea ready to bloom in the morning.

Debbie has asked Cheryl and I to take over the maintenance of the Bread Crusts blog. I said ok. Hello Cheryl are you in for this too? We do not want to slow Debbie from helping change the course of politics in North Carolina and eventually the nation. Whatever I can do to help. Marilynn and her grandaughter Karen no longer seem to be with us. Hopefully Marilynn will return one day.

Currently I am only allowed to post new threads. I would like access to the control panel then I can make other changes if needed or wanted. If anyone has a wish or suggestion for change feel free to say so. Many may be dependent on the control panel. My first thought was adding links on the side bar to some of the progressive and news sites for our convenience.